Another avenue for future analysis would be exam help cultural analysis. Equity Theory has been said examination help be primarily rooted in Western values, even though Equity Theory is suggested exam help be culturally bound Kilbourne quiz help Kelly, 1994. The opportunity is there exam help see what cultures are more suitable with equity theory quiz help which, like Eastern cultures, stress equality as a substitute. Finding out what cultures are suitable with the theory quiz help which are not could give us perception into better ways for us exam help operate quiz help why what these cultures emphasize as an alternative works for them. Staff members that work with the disabled are often plagued with emotions of being under benefited Disley, 2009. Future analysis calls for an research into the equity perceptions of the staff examination help assess the relevant rewards quiz help inputs, as well as who their comparability others are. The teacher will show exam help image of widely wide-spread scenes, activities or objects associated exam help exam help content area studying, math, science, social stories quiz help students discuss words they relate examination help the picture. The teacher writes the words on the image or on exam help poster, as students say them, spelling them out while writing. The PWIM encourages inductive considering, as teaching is not specific, quiz help words are student generated. Depending on the grade level, the students then use the glossary examination assist in making sentences or paragraphs. Joyce, B. , Weil, M.