However, this route was not very handy on large scale, so as exam help last resort prenylation of the Weinreb amide 41 derived from acid 28 Scheme 7 was also attempted. To our marvel, this response was very clean quiz help afforded ketone 38 in 95 % yield. 99Compounds 42 a,b quiz help 43 a,b bearing exam help trisubstituted olefin at C13 were synthesized in an analogous way as compounds 32 a,b quiz help 34 a,b as formerly defined, then subjected examination help the Grubbs 2 precatalyst in toluene at reflux Scheme 10. 13 We were disappointed examination help discover that carbonate 42 exam help quiz help benzoate 43 a, owning the undesired configurations at C1 quiz help C2, supplied the bicyclic compounds 33 exam help quiz help 35 exam help that we had already observed for the metathesis reactions of 32 exam help quiz help 34 exam help Scheme 8. Taxollike benzoate 43 b also underwent diene RCM examination help produce 35 b. However, Taxollike carbonate 42 b furnished compound 44 after RCDEYM, which corresponds exam help the tricyclic core of Taxol, along with the undesired bicyclic compound 33 b.