It is exam help requirement for all degree level examinations at British universities, quiz help in international locations working exam help identical system, that at least one member of the inspecting board could be from exam help school except for the one awarding the degree quiz help should don’t have any recent affiliation with it. This applies both examination help undergraduate examinations, where there is hundreds and even thousands of applicants, quiz help examination help postgraduate examinations adding those for the PhD where exam help special board is convened for every candidate. While the role of the external examiner varies with the extent of examination, the intention of the system remains the same: examination help ensure that standards are kept the same across universities, quiz help exam help give an insurance of fair play given that internal examiners may be prejudiced for or against exam help candidate. In final result, by conference quiz help often by regulation if examiners disagree, the view of the external examiner takes priority. In undergraduate quiz help taught postgraduate examinations, external examiners typically see quiz help have examination help approve draft exam questions before the papers are set; quiz help they can review the marks quiz help the work of a minimum of exam help sample of candidates. They are often asked examination help adjudicate when applicants are on borderlines or when inner examiners have disagreed about exam help candidate’s marks.